NWB2B.NET | Northwest Business to Business Network
Who are we?
We are a group of North Puget Sound area small businesses whose customers are other businesses. Our meetings are meant to create referral partnerships and lead sources to share referrals and open relationship doors to provide opportunities to increase your network and grow sales.
Most of us are located in Snohomish County. Many of us serve customers throughout Puget Sound and some of us have customers in other states.
The group is non-exclusive by category so all members can be a member of this B2B marketing group without violating any agreements if they are members of one of the other marketing groups like BNI, LeTips, etc..
When do we meet?
We currently meet IN PERSON monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 11:30am to 12:45pm at Bob's Burgers in Tulalip/Marysville (
See map here
). We also meet ONLINE via ZOOM on the third Thursday of each month from 8:30am to 9:30am. All members will be given an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business and give a short highlight of their services and what customers they are looking for.
Please use the
Contact page
to reach out if you have any questions.
FREE! No membership dues. Lunch on Tuesday is the responsibility of each attendee. We encourage all people who attend to support the restaurant by purchasing something. Bob's provides the meeting room to us at no cost.
So, you want to come. What to bring?
1. A good attitude.
2. A desire to SHARE referrals. This group is about finding and giving referrals and extending relationship capital to other members, not just about growing your business.
3. Business cards to hand out so everyone has your contact information.
4. Things to pass out, brochures, marketing materials, etc.. Bring things that will help people refer others to you.
5. A 60-90 second commercial about your business and who is a good referral for you.
We will sustain membership for only those enterprises our NWB2B Network considers strongly worthy of referral: honorable, proficient, dedicated to customer fulfillment, and highly trained.
We expect every one of our members to be able and commit to providing regular solid referrals that result in an opportunity for another NWB2B member(s) to enjoy favorable direct contact with a new lead.
We will follow up on new leads from other NWB2B members by contacting the lead.
Our approach will be a genuine dedication to identifying and addressing the lead's needs and wants with greater emphasis than our personal gain.
We will provide verbal feedback to NWB2B members on referrals given.
© 2025 NWB2B.